You can always feel safe buying clothes from anyki. Read about our generous warranty terms here:



100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We are so convinced that you and your child will love your anyki clothes that we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Buy, try on and test the clothes with zero risk!

If one of our products does not meet your expectations within 30 days of the purchase date, contact us on and return the item for a refund or replacement item.

1 year Quality Guarantee

Growing children and teens also deserve comfortable, sustainably produced clothes of premium quality. We are proud to sell garments that are manufactured to be worn often and long. For this reason we offer a 1 year quality guarantee on all of our products.

The guarantee covers all damage caused by normal usage and wear. If you wish to return a product, please contact us on Fill in our guarantee form and return the item for a refund or replacement item.

Please note that the guarantee does not cover damage or faults caused by negligence on the part of the owner, excessive wear and tear, accidents and incorrect care/use. We also do not reimburse minor damages that do not affect comfort and usability, or that do not significantly affect the appearance of the product negatively (for example, cracks in the logo, puckers on fabric or a loose thread). We also do not cover losses such as theft or loss.

Our guarantee becomes void for garments that are washed in water hotter than 30 degrees, ironed or tumble-dried.