100% Satisfaction guarantee

The most comfortable activewear you will ever own

100% satisfaction guarantee and 1 year quality guarantee

We are proud to sell sustainably produce and high quality clothing with extraordinary comfort. That is why we offer a generous satisfaction and quality guarantee for all our products.  Purchase, try on and use the clothes without any risks.

We want to create clothes that inspire kids to increase their everyday movement. All our clothes are made in premium-quality stretch materials to ensure optimal comfort and perfect fit for all body types. Sustainably produced in Europe for a better planet. Join us in activating the youth.


I love the seamless top - it's amazing! Well done anyki <3


Love, love, love! 😍 so soft and comfy but still fit as they should (don't slide down, etc.).


Bought a purple set for my daughter and both she and I are very happy. She has them both at school and in sports. Super satisfied!

Anyki loves comfort 😊

Say hi to your most comfortable workout clothes ever

You deserve to feel comfortable at all times. Our clothes are soft to the skin, have an amazing stretch and are designed to fit perfectly regardless if you are hitting the gym, going for a run or chilling on the sofa. Welcome to a new world of comfort!

Anyki 💜 the environment

For a sustainable future

We want children to be able to move freely in training clothes with minimal environmental impact. All our training clothes are produced in Europe with sustainable materials and innovative processes to minimize our environmental footprint.